Crossroads (with lunch) | Connecting the dots between the attacks

Connecting the dots between the attacks


Keenan Crow, One Iowa
Sam Helmick, Iowa City Public Library and American Library Association President-Elect
Melissa Peterson, Iowa State Education Association
Mazie Stilwell, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa


MARCH 21, 2025  |  11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Plymouth Congregational Church, Des Moines

** in-person event **

There is so much happening at the Iowa statehouse and so many attacks on different groups of people and public institutions. But we often talk about and advocate on these issues as if they are isolated. What if they're all really connected? A panel of organizational leaders will discuss issues under attack at the statehouse and help to connect the dots, including the important issues of LGBTQ rights, public libraries, public education, and reproductive health care.

You may make your reservation to attend in-person (with lunch) by clicking on the "Register Now" button. Four bag lunch sandwich options are available: turkey, roast beef, ham salad, and vegetarian; brown bag lunches are now $15 each. Please note: You must pre-order and pay for your lunch by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, March 19. Late orders or walk-in requests for lunch will not be available.

If you have any issues registering, please email or call 515.279.8715.

Crossroads is a monthly gathering of the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa in Des Moines. It's an opportunity to learn, to participate in civil dialogue, and to discuss issues at the crossroads of religion and politics.

March 21, 2025 from 11:45 AM to  1:00 PM
Phone: 515.279.8715
LUNCH OPTIONS (new price)